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Dietary Supplement Synergy Healthy Food/Slim Bar, 5 pcs

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Dietary Supplement Synergy Healthy Food/Slim Bar, 5 pcs

586.66 ₴

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Useful snack for weight correction – SYNERGY HEALTHY FOOD | SLIM BAR, Weight Management Support, 5 pcs

The Slim bar is a Biologically Active Supplement in the form of a bar with whole honeysuckle berries, a unique composition of powerful and effective ingredients contributing to increasing metabolism in the body and activating the process of losing weight. 

Natural low-calorie bar from Rena Rosh Corporation has high biological value, a unique pleasant taste, contains fiber and microelements, which are the basis of a balanced diet.

The synergistic formula of the Slim bar contributes to reducing appetite, normalizes metabolic processes that regulate the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the body, and maintains high vitality. 

Thanks to carefully selected ingredients and dietary chocolate glaze in the composition, the Slim bar replaces confectionery chocolate, pastries, cookies, fully satisfies the craving for sweets, and keeps the figure slim. Bars are a tasty and healthy snack at work or study, on the way, after a workout, and during the day.

In combination with proper nutrition and systemic physical activities, it is a powerful basis for weight correction and maintenance.

Useful snack for weight correction Synergy healthy food Slim bar is:

  • A quick and completely healthy snack;
  • A storehouse of vitamins and nutrients;
  • Promotes natural weight loss;
  • Satisfaction of hunger, decreased appetite;
  • Fat burning, carbohydrate blocking;
  • A great alternative to sweets if they are difficult to refuse;
  • Blocking the synthesis of fats, preventing the formation of excess cholesterol, reducing liver obesity, improving metabolism;
  • Energy source for adults and children;
  • No added sugar;
  • Suitable for vegans.

Active ingredients: forskolin, whole honeysuckle berries, chia seeds, amaranth seeds, quinoa seeds, whole-grain flakes: wheat, oat, barley, corn; vitamin complex: Vitamin C, Vitamin PP, Vitamin E, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, folic acid (Vitamin B), biotin (Vitamin B7), Vitamin B12.

Forskolin is a substance derived from the Coleus forskohlii plant, that activates the metabolic process, stimulates the intestines and promotes better absorption of macro- and microelements, helps to get rid of excess weight by producing enzymes called lipase and adenylate cyclase. Fat burning occurs in 2 stages: first, there is lipolysis, i.e., the release of stored fatty acids, and then there is fat oxidation (in fact, the "burning" of these released fatty acids). Forskolin improves blood viscosity indicators, eliminates cardiac disorders and inhibits genitourinary infections, promotes smooth muscle relaxation, maintains healthy blood sugar levels.

Whole honeysuckle berries contain minerals (sodium, zinc, iron, iodine, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, silicon), vitamins (C, A, P and B groups), sugars, pectins, tannins, polyphenols, fatty acids, organic acids, flavonoids, glycosides. They are also a source of amino acids – building “blocks” of proteins. Mostly they contain asparagine and serine. Honeysuckle berries have an anti-inflammatory effect, prevention of the cardiovascular system, help reduce blood pressure, eliminate toxins, improve the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract, increase the secretion of gastric juice, which leads to active digestion of food.

Chia seeds prevent the risk of heart diseases, increase “good” cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, thin the blood, prevent the appearance of blood clots, improve digestion, accelerate metabolism, reduce weight, improve musculoskeletal function, support immunity.

Amaranth seeds contain valuable nutrients involved in building strong muscles, bones and reflexes. They “work” perfectly as an appetite suppressant, reduce insulin levels, improve joint function, increase mental activity, and regulate heart function. They are an indispensable source of energy in children’s and sports nutrition.

Quinoa seeds improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the efficiency of excretion of food ballast, activate the muscular work of the intestine, stimulate metabolism, promote calories burning and weight loss. Due to the low glycemic index, they normalize blood sugar levels, prevent the appearance of sudden attacks of hunger, replenish the body with important nutrients. 

Whole-grain flakes (wheat, oat, barley, corn) improve hormonal levels, contribute to the excretion of heavy metals from the body, cleanse the intestines, reduce blood cholesterol, strengthen bone and muscle tissues.

Vitamin complex (Vitamin C, Vitamin PP, Vitamin E, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, folic acid (Vitamin B), biotin (Vitamin B7), Vitamin B12) ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system and is responsible for energy metabolism, maintains the digestive system in a normal state, increases stress resistance. It is necessary for cell renewal, for the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and for regulating blood sugar levels.

Method of application: Take 1-3 bars a day.

Recommendations: For getting the maximum benefit, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet combined with moderate physical exercises on a regular basis. It is the most effective in combination with Rena Rosh products of the Synergy direction.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to any components in the composition. It is not a medication. 

Activate natural weight loss mechanisms with Synergy Rena Rosh slimming and cleansing program:

  • Synergy Food| Slim Bar
  • Synergy Tea
  • Synergy Coffee Drink
  • Synergy Body Corrector

Comments: 1

  1. Смачний та корисний перекус, у вигляді батончиків, надасть сил, енергії та налагодить обмін речовин. Вигідна ціна та кількість батончиків на тиждень для смакування після тренування, у вечірній час та під час мандрувать. Добре, що є такий варіант і зручно, і економно!

    Татьяна Барушова - 08 09, 2024
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